Wednesday, May 4, 2011

How To Make Head Pin Or Rivet Head Making Tool

This is how I made a simple tool to make flat head pins.  The same concept could be used to make a rivet head making tool.
Use a harded steel washer and drill a hole just bigger in diameter than the wire you plan on using for the head pin or rivet.  Use some cutting fluid or WD40 while drilling the steel to keep the drill cool and lubricated and be patient, as the steel is much harder than precious or base metals used in jewelry.  You can find washers at your local hardware store or online through places like McMaster-Carr. 

Drill a larger hole (1/8") for 22ga wire in a short piece of wood near one end.

I used 5 minute epoxy to hold the washer to the piece of wood.

Mix epoxy 1:1 according to instructions and put over the hole where the washer will go.

Place the washer over the hole lining up the small hole drilled through the washer and the clearance hole in the wood.

Clamp the washer in place and allow full cure time to dry, typically 24 hours.  I put a piece of scrap paper between the washer and clamp to keep the epoxy off the clamp.

Remove the clamp and paper.  Sand the top of the rivet to remove excess epoxy and create flat surface.  Using the same drill sizes used in the washer and clearance holes, chase out the epoxy by redrilling.

Clamp the block to a table with the rivet hole just past the tables edge.  The tool is finished and ready to make head pins or rivets heads.
Video of making head pins coming soon.



  1. what a useful article! I know it has been a few years but I would really love a video of how to make flat head pins. There are not many lake that on the internet
